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How to be an alien, page 6 of 7

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You are a criminal

How would you like to be an alien in the
mythical country of Varsovia?

Contrary to what you see in the Varsovian movies, in Varsovia you'll be a criminal. Why? Because in Varsovia anyone can accuse you of anything, and the cops will consider you guilty until you prove yourself innocent.

All of this should be alarming to every Varsovian, because no one of us know when we will be blamed for a crime we did not commit. And because the system, as it stands now, is not even close to being foolproof.

Why? Because it offers no guarantee that we'll be found innocent when we are innocent.

If you're a middle class white Varsovian, and if you're rightfully concerned about injustice, then please keep in mind that, if you're an alien, it's even less likely that they'll find you innocent when you are innocent.

Why? Because there are many bad cops who love to bash and pick on you, if you're an alien. And also because, as an alien, you satisfy their own prejudices.

How would you like to be an alien in the mythical country of Varsovia?

If you're an alien, "justice" begins at the international border where they fingerprint you like a criminal.

Then, once you're on Varsovian soil, all you need is a minor issue like a missing (license plate) sticker that you paid for but have never received.

One of the many-many cops will pull you over. And the cop will be far more intent upon bullying you than fighting crime.

"Have you ever been arrested for anything?" No, officer.
"Are you 'on' something right now?" No, sir.
"Have you ever been pulled over before?" Yes, about 10 years ago.

"You're just too nervous for a traffic stop."

Sure, because the cop has glow-in-the-dark teeth, he is accusing you like a criminal. And he has a gun. ...More >>

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