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How to create a culture of fear, page 1 of 5

By Boris Prezlocki

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How can you create a fear culture across a whole country? Some countries are fear cultures. One example of the fear culture is the mythical country of Zugoland.

If you are a law-abiding private citizen of Zugoland, and if you want to survive or prosper, you've got no choice but live in fear.

If you are a politician of the mythical country of Zugoland, you want to create a fear culture in Zugoland because you want to use fear to...
  • Accomplish your (unpopular) political objectives, and
  • Control the citizens and aliens of this mythical country called Zugoland.

Expand the government

How can you create a fear culture? If you're a politician of the mythical country of Zugoland, you need to hire more government employees. Because when government employees don't have enough things to do, they will invent something they did, to prove their worth, so that they can justify greater funding, including the hiring of even more government employees.

Internal investigations

How can you create a fear culture? If you are a politician of the mythical country of Zugoland, you need to set up and maintain "internal investigation" units where bad cops, including citizen killer cops, are investigated but never punished.

You need to put your bad cops, including citizen killer cops, on temporary administrative leaves with full pay and benefits. This is in your interest, because this way later on you will be able to say that you wanted to avoid prejudicing the investigations that your department carried out — even when you knew in advance that...
  • Your department's investigations would amount to little or nothing;
  • Your "internal investigation units" would act with extreme prejudice; and
  • Your bad cops would never receive any punishment at all.
In other words, you need to reward all your bad cops, including citizen killer cops, by giving them paid time off from work. ...More >>

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