How to prevent breast cancer, page 9 of 17
Link to this article!Food preparation
How can you prevent breast cancer? When you heat foods, you get cancer-causing acrylamide. Acrylamide is a cancer-causing and neurotoxic chemical. It's created when carbohydrate-rich foods are cooked, baked, fried, grilled, roasted or toasted. Therefore, eat your foods raw, avoid carb foods, and you will prevent breast cancer.Green tea
How can you prevent breast cancer? Take green tea, and you will prevent breast cancer. Why? Because green tea inhibits the formation of some carcinogens, and you will prevent breast cancer. (6) (11)So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Take green tea, and you will prevent breast cancer.
How can you prevent breast cancer? Get your regular check-ups from homeopaths, use homeopathic medicine, as opposed to allopathic medicine, and you will prevent your breast cancer. Homeopaths are state-licensed. Look for directories of homeopathic practitioners.Household cleaning products
How can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid buying and using household cleaning products, and you will prevent breast cancer. Why? Because there was a population-based case-control study that investigated whether the use of household cleaning products and pesticides cause breast cancer.The study concluded that (i) breast cancer is linked to household cleaning products, and (ii) women who regularly use a combination of cleaning products are twice as likely to get breast cancer.
The strongest breast cancer link was to air fresheners, mold and mildew removers, and insect repellents. Why? Because household cleaning products contain endocrine disrupting chemicals and mammary gland carcinogens. (14) (15)
How can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid buying and using household cleaning products, and you will prevent breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer, you want to save money, save the environment, and you might save yourself.
So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Buy and use natural products such as vinegar, baking soda and salt, and you will prevent breast cancer.
How can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid mammography, and you will prevent breast cancer. Why? Because the radiation imperils the breasts of women.And because, besides the extensively promoted mammography, you have many other, safer options.
So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid mammography, ask your naturopath about other, safer options for prevention, and you will prevent breast cancer.
How can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid mammography, and you will prevent breast cancer. Why? Because, in spite of "professional" assurances to the contrary, mammography initiates and promotes breast cancer.
Because the practice of taking four films for each breast results in approx. 1,000-fold greater exposure, where 1 rad is focused on each breast rather than the entire chest. Thus, over a sixty-year period you're exposed to a total of approx. 60 rads of harmful radiation for each of your breasts.
Mammography is dangerous; it exposes you to harmful radiation that causes breast cancer. (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36)
So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid mammography, and you will prevent breast cancer! ...More >>
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