The best reasons to start smoking, page 7 of 12
Link to this article!"Smoking doesn't cause cancer!"
Issue: Nuclear waste has a long half life, therefore it may last forever. For example, plutonium is one of the deadliest carcinogens. It has a half-life of 22,500 years, radiation is carcinogenic, so a radioactive spill can be deadly for approx. 100,000 years.Issue: The nuclear fallout from U.S. government nuclear tests can give you cancer.
Issue: You can get cancer by eating dairy products. Dairy products may include some nuclear debris.
Issue: You can get cancer, if you hike or jog in Alaska, California, Colorado, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, or Washington state.
Issue: You can get cancer, if you travel a lot in Alaska, California, Colorado, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Washington states.
Issue: You can get cancer, if you travel in post-apocalyptic wastelands, where your off-road vehicle jumps off every bump and cliff with gay abandon, until it breaks down, and where you have to spend hours desperately looking for help to get back on the road again.
Issue: The U.S. Army used to conduct nuclear bomb testing in northern Nevada.
Example: Burning Man is a week-long annual event in the desert of northern Nevada where the U.S. Army used to conduct nuclear bomb testing. However, if nuclear waste lasts forever, then it's deadly, even today.
Example: The 1956 movie, 'The Conqueror', was filmed in Snow Canyon, a natural reservoir in the desert near St.George, Utah, downwind from the Yucca Flat, Nevada nuclear test site, one year after the U.S. Army detonated 11 nuclear bombs over there. Of these 11 detonated nuclear bombs, two (51.5 and 32.4 kiloton) bombs, code named 'Simon' and 'Harry', were significantly larger than the (16 kiloton) bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Of 220 cast and crew, 91 came down with cancer, including John Wayne, director Dick Powell, and every supporting movie star, Agnes Moorehead, Susan Hayward, Pedro Armendariz, and John Hoyt. This number, 220, doesn't even include the thousands of extras and others who were involved in the filming. Even John Wayne's son, Michael, died of cancer, after visiting his father on the set at age 22. ...More >>
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