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How to look younger, page 2 of 17

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Be erect!

How can you look younger? Maintain an erect posture at all times. Why? Because:
  • Older people often slouch forward. This is known as roundback, and hunched over positioning. However,
  • Your posture is a lens to your health,
  • You want to avoid the symptoms of poor posture, such as back and neck pain, tightness and stiffness, increased injury, and losses in your normal range of motion. If you're erect,
  • You will look 10 years younger and 10 pounds lighter, and
  • You will convey confidence, poise and leadership.
So, how can you look younger? Sit erect, stand erect, stop slouching, and you will look younger!

Be good!

How can you look younger? Ladies, be good to the men in your lives. Why? Because what goes around, comes around. Many women, when they're young and attractive, treat men as disposable objects, and use them as they please. However, when the men are successful, well-established, and most attractive at around age 35, the same women, when their own looks are deteriorating, expect the men to start seeing them for their "inner beauty". It's funny how the tables turn. I have seen it happen. So, how can you look younger? Be good to men. And, when you're good to men, they will treat you better, and you will look younger!

Be happy!

How can you look younger? Be yourself, and be happy with what you have. A little dab of cream here and there is OK, just be yourself. I have seen women who look increasingly better, as they get older, because they're happy, and their beauty is on the inside. So, how can you look younger? Be happy with what you have, and you will look younger!


How can you look younger? Take advantage of FDA approvals, spend some money on yourself, and look for doctors (and nurses) who inject Botox (also known as botullinum toxin).

If you do, then in as little as one hour, you CAN look younger! Up to 10 years younger! On the positive side, A) the injections are quick, easy, and painless; and B) you never have to submit to anyone's surgical knife. However, on the negative side, this will cost you about the same as plastic surgery, because the Botox injections don't last long; they last for up to four months.

So, how can you look younger? Get Botox injections, and you will look younger! If you do, then in one hour or so you CAN look younger! 10 years younger! So, how can you look younger? Get Botox injections, and you will look younger!   ...More >>

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