Apt articles on health, wealth, happiness

How to be confident, page 3 of 7

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Dress well

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Dress well, but not too well. Pay twice as much and buy half as many. People judge you by the clothes you wear. They respond to you so much better when you're well-dressed. And when you FEEL well-dressed, and when you see how WELL people respond, you will be confident.

To dress well for women, invest in fancy watches, jackets, and designer shoes. Why? Because these are the three things women first look for, to see if you're successful. They're good investments with high return potentials. And when you FEEL well-dressed for women, and when you see how WELL they respond, you will be confident.

Dwell on the positive

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by dwelling on the positive. When you encounter an unpleasant situation, don't give it another thought. Dwell on your positive experiences instead. Recall your little victories and accomplishments. Go over the reasons why you're glad to be alive. If you dwell on the positive, it will boost your confidence, and you will be confident.

Expect to win

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Become confident by expecting to win. If you're buying real estate, imagine that you've already bought the property. If you do, you'll find yourself less nervous, more confident, and performing better during the negotiation process, making it more likely that you'll actually buy the property.

Fake it

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Fake it till you make it. Pretend you are confident and courageous. Simply act as if you were confident and courageous. And, by faking it, you will play the role, and play the role increasingly well. And, if you can fake it, you will make it, and you will be confident.

Fill your mind

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? Fill your mind with courage, and you will be confident. Read and keep thinking about courage, and you will be confident. Read stories of heroism and success, and you will be confident.

Find instant tasks

How can you be confident, and how can you become confident? If you want to become confident, find instant tasks that take less than five minutes. The goal is to start working on one of the smaller tasks that leads to involvement, and eventual success. And, when you succeed, you will be confident. ...More >>

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