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How to create a police state, page 3 of 9

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Internal investigations

Q: How can you create a police state?

A: If you're a politician in the mythical country of Zugoland, you cannot ever admit that your police officers are incompetent and corrupt. Insread of that admission, you need to say something along the lines of "I emphatically support my department, and my deputies performed flawlessly" — even when the flaws are so painfully obvious.

Q: How do you create a police state?

A: Never listen to any civilian who criticizes your deputies, and never concern yourself with any complaints.

Set up and maintain "internal investigation" units, but only for show. Only to open investigations you never intend to complete.

Open investigations where the guilty police officers are investigated but never punished. Or, if they are punished, the only punishment is a temporary leave with full pay and benefits.

Police gear

Q: How do you create a police state?

A: If you're a politician in the mythical country of Zugoland, ensure the police are always armed against the usually unarmed, law-abiding private citizens.

Ensure that the officers have weapons far beyond the guns of law-abiding private citizens, because this makes owning a gun entirely useless.

Police informants

Q: How do you create a police state?

A: If you're a politician in the mythical country of Zugoland, maintain a network of informants (also known as stool pigeons, informers and snitches).

Use both private citizens — who think they have witnessed a crime, even when they didn't — and police informants who think they must report something once in a while because they're on police payroll. ...More >>

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