How to track down your food allergies, page 4 of 5
Link to this article!The mono-food test
To track down food allergies, here is a totally different and totally free test that is known as the "mono-food test" . And, just like before, you're going to be in total control of the test and the test results. So, what do you have to do? Simply you put yourself on the so called "mono-food diet".What is this "mono-food diet"? You're on the mono-food diet when you consume only one kind of food per day, every day. Why? Because when you're on this diet, then A) every day is different, and B) every day is a new opportunity to test one additional food you would like to test.
So, using this mono-food test, how can you track down your food allergies? You need to:
- Plan ahead;
- Choose your foods based on food families; and
- Test one new food per day, every day, so you can tell which food, or foods, are injurious (harmful) to you.
- On day 1 you eat nothing but whole wheat bread.
You observe yourself how you feel, and keep a good record.
It's important that you plan ahead and keep good records.
- On day 2 you consume nothing but milk.
Observe yourself how you feel, and keep a good record.
- On day 3 you eat nothing but ripe, fresh bananas.
You observe yourself how you feel, and keep a good record.
- On days 4 through 100
you repeat these steps and test 97 additional foods.
Make sure you eat and test only one food per day.
Observe yourself how you feel, and keep a good record.
- On day 101, based on your record of 100 days,
the 100 foods and the 100 observations,
you decide which foods provoked allergy symptoms in you in the previous (last) 100 days.
- On day 102 you drop these allergy-producing foods from your diet. And, when you do, your symptoms are going to disappear like magic. ...More >>
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How to track down food allergies