How to treat an abscessed tooth, page 2 of 5
Link to this article!The damage
How can you treat your abscessed tooth?Too many people eat refined sugar and sugary foods. Too many people fail to practice good oral hygiene. Apart from the hard-to-deal-with, expensive and time-consuming dentists, the main problem is the irreversible damage that has been caused by refined sugar, sugary foods and poor oral hygiene.
So, how can you treat an abscessed tooth? Avoid refined sugar and sugary foods so that, on the long run, you won't have to treat any abscessed tooth.
Oral hygiene
How can you treat your abscessed tooth?Practice better oral hygiene. How can you practice better oral hygiene? Brush and floss every morning and every night, get professional cleaning, and brush with a weak hydrogen peroxide solution.
Root canal treatments
How can you treat your abscessed tooth?In most situations there is no need for any root canal treatment. But, of course, if you insist on doing the root canal, in other words, if you buy the root canal treatment your dentist is trying to sell you, your dentist will be more than happy to do it for you.
Why? Because there is money in it for him (or her). And because he (or she) has a pretty good excuse: "There is an abscess next to the tooth in question" and "There is an abscess that needs to be drained."
So, how do you treat your abscessed tooth? Avoid the root canal treatment when you're about to treat an abscessed tooth.
The problem with most dentists
How can you treat an abscessed tooth?The problem with most dentists is that, immediately after glancing at your x-ray, they will mislead and deceive you by saying your only choice is "root canal, or extraction". In other words, "surgery, or surgery".
And they will say this, even when they do know for sure that you've got many other options. They will say this, even when there is nothing wrong with your root canal.
So, how can you treat an abscessed tooth? Stop and think when you're about to treat an abscessed tooth.
The x-ray
How can you treat an abscessed tooth? And, do you really have to do the root canal?Examine the x-ray carefully. Chances are, your x-ray tells you that you've got a combination of an untreated abscessed tooth, an untreated periodontal disease, and a pretty healthy-looking root canal. Therefore, based on this, it'd be unwise, if you agreed to the (irreversible) root canal treatment.
So, how can you treat an abscessed tooth? When you're about to treat an abscessed tooth, examine the x-ray carefully. Chances are there is nothing wrong with your root canal. ...More >>
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