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How to prevent breast cancer, page 5 of 17

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How can you prevent breast cancer? Breastfeed, and you will prevent breast cancer. Why? Because if you breastfeed, you will benefit and your infant will benefit. Why? Because, for each year of breastfeeding, your breast cancer risk will drop 4 percent.

Your breast cancer risk could be cut in half, and your breastfeeding alone would account for two-thirds of the reduced risk, if you had just as many babies as women in underdeveloped countries, and if you breastfed for 30 months per child, like women do in underdeveloped countries.

So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Breastfeed, and you will prevent breast cancer.

Cancer industry

How can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid this country's cancer industry, and you will prevent breast cancer.

Why? Because the cause of cancer is "unknown" in this country. Because this country's cancer industry is greedy. Because they're backed by the strong arm of the government. Because they suppress both cancer prevention and cure.

Because the approved cancer treatments — of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation — are too profitable to allow for any prevention or cure. Because, in this country, both prevention and cure are effectively suppressed, even though cancer can be both prevented and cured.

So, don't expect any real answers from this country's cancer industry on how to prevent breast cancer.

So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Avoid this country's cancer industry, and you will prevent breast cancer.

Cancer stats

How can you prevent breast cancer? Don't expect any statistics to give you the real answers, and you will prevent breast cancer. Are we doing enough to breast cancer? No, we're not.

In 1950 one in 20 women had breast cancer. In 1992 one in 9 women had breast cancer. This year, one in 8 women are expected to get breast cancer.

While little or no progress has been made in preventing breast cancer, statistics have been manipulated to make it look like we've made progress.

Example 1: One of the side effects of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is the suppression of the immune system; and when a simple cold leads to death from pneumonia, then it is "pneumonia" that appears on the death certificate, not breast cancer.

Example 2: If mammography says you have breast cancer, and if you undergo chemotherapy, but you die of a brain cancer caused by the chemotherapy, then, according to stats, you're a "breast cancer survivor", even though both mammography and chemotherapy failed as to your breast cancer.

So, how can you prevent breast cancer? Don't expect any statistics to give you the real answers, and you will prevent breast cancer.   ...More >>

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