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Why do I get tired after I eat carbs? Page 2 of 5

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In an effort to try to avoid the post-carb letdowns, there are many "experts" who advise us to combine proteins and carbs.

And, in a way they're correct because it is true that the body absorbs proteins more slowly. It is also true that proteins give us a more sustained form of energy. It is also true that proteins don't trigger the release of insulin. It is also true that, with proteins, the post-carb letdowns are a bit less intense. However, proteins aren't the solution either because:
  • Even if we combine proteind and carbs, the post-carb letdowns are still obvious, still strong, and still long-lasting. One example is a meal of meat and potatoes.

  • If we consider the fact that complex carbs can be fruits or starches, then we realize they're a wrong food combination. Why? Because proteins and starches shouldn't be taken together. How about combining proteins and fruits? They're also a wrong food combination. Why? Because fruits should be taken alone.

How to avoid the post-carb letdowns

Issue 1: Carbs cause post-carb letdowns, therefore you feel tired, sleepy and sick for many hours (days, weeks, months and sometimes years).

Issue 2: Carbs make you fat (you gain weight) by increasing your appetite, and by making you release insulin (the hormone that makes you fat).

Issue 3: Carbs cause many diseases, including cancer. Therefore carbs are not good for you. It's not a coincidence that you're completely unaware of the fact that carbs are not good for you.

Issue 4: The standard American diet (SAD) is a high carb diet.

Issue 5: On the no-carb (or low-carb) diet you may crave carbs, feel depressed, grumpy, irritable, or sleep poorly. Why? Because of low serotonin levels.

Solution: Switch to a no-carb (or low-carb) diet. If you do, then you'll avoid the post-carb letdowns, the weight gains, the cancer, and the many diseases.

Further, take a supplement for raising your serotonin level. If you do, then on the no-carb (low-carb) diet:
  • There will be no post-carb letdowns;
  • There will be no loss of strength because the body's carb requirement is zero; (1)
  • You'll prevent cancer and a lot of other diseases; (2) (3) (6).
  • You'll definitely lose weight;
  • You'll also avoid irritability, grumpiness and sleep disturbances;
Example: You won't have any cancer, depression, grumpiness, insomnia, irritability, obesity, post-carb letdowns, or any other disease or disorder, if you take a supplement, such as 5-HTP, when you're on a no-carb (or low-carb) diet. ...More >>

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