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How to cook vegetables without losing their vitamins

By Dr.Clay Appleberry

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How do you cook vegetables, without losing their vitamins?
How do you get the maximum benefit from the vegetables you eat, without cooking away their vitamins?
How do you cook vegetables, when you want to get their full vitamin protection?

Boiling vegetables

Is it really true that, when you boil vegetables, you lose their vitamins? Yes, there is more than enough evidence that suggests that you do. Naturally, the amount of vitamin you lose will vary, depending on how much water you use in the cooking process, and how long you expose your vegetables to hot water. However, research has shown that, when you boil vegetables, most of their vitamins WILL leech out into the cooking water!

Griddling vegetables

How do you cook vegetables without losing their vitamins? Consider griddling. A griddle is a heavy, flat iron plate that is heated on a stove. Is griddling any good? Yes because, according to Spanish researchers, griddles allow vegetables to be cooked without losing their vitamins. However, be careful; griddles often come with nonstick coatings that contain carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals). But you will do just fine, if you get one without the coating, and if you use dry heat.

Microwaving vegetables

How do you cook vegetables without losing their vitamins? Consider microwaving. Because, according to a Spanish study, microwaving has little or no effect on the vitamin content of the vegetables they studied. Use as little water as possible, and as short a cooking time as possible, because you want to microwave vegetables without losing their vitamins. Cut your vegetables into LARGE pieces before cooking, because you want to reduce their surface areas exposed to hot water. Cook on true low power (not intermittent high), to greatly reduce the amount of vitamins lost. However, be careful; microwaving on high power is more destructive than boiling and griddling.

Steaming vegetables

If neither griddling nor microwaving appeals to you, how do you cook vegetables without losing their vitamins? One of the best methods for cooking vegetables without losing their vitamins is steaming. You steam vegetables in a steamer, heated on a stove. What is the reason that steaming is better than boiling? The reason is, when you steam, you elevate your vegetables above the boiling water, which means your vegetables don't have any direct contact with the water. This means, when you steam, you cook your vegetables without losing their vitamins.

Raw vegetables

If neither griddling, nor microwaving, or steaming appeals to you, it is perhaps because you keep remembering that, whether they're on a stove or in a microwave, when vegetables are cooked, they always lose some of their vitamins, even when they're cooked on low power. And it's also a well known fact that raw food is more nutritious than cooked. After thoroughly researching this subject I still don't know which one is worse, the stove, or the microwave. Therefore I will just have my vegetables raw, thank you!

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