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How to know if a friend is using you, page 2 of 5

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How do you know if a friend is using you?
How do you separate users and real friends?
The problem is, there are few who meet the definition of the real friend. Because real friendship falls right up there with a level of love that is as powerful as the bond of a family.


What if your friend is a borrower? Real friends are highly unlikely to approach you for short term loans. Often they're ashamed to admit there is a problem, let alone ask for money willingly. However, if your "friend" always borrows money from you, and if he is not so willing to repay you, then he might be a user. If your friend borrows money but never pays it back, then he is a user.


What if your friend is not compatible? You need to recognize if you and your friend aren't compatible. You need to recognize if the relationship is hurting you. You want friends who are genuinely interested in you, rather than what they can get out of you. Users are interested in you for what they can get out of you.


What if your friend is a complainer? If your "friend" always lays her problems on you, but never takes the time to listen to any of your problems, hopes, or dreams, then she is a user.


What if your friend is a drinker? If your "friend" drinks or does drugs, then he is a user. He is not your real friend, because you always play second fiddle to his drinking and drugs.


What if your friend is a freeloader? If your "friend" crashes at your place all the time, then he is a user.


What if your friend is a frenemy? If your "friend" is your enemy, then he is a 'frenemy'. If your "friend" is one of your competitors, then his friendship can benefit you. However, if he represents significant risks and mistrust, then he is a user. Additionally, if he brings you down with his words or actions, then he is a user.


What if your friend is a gossip? If your "friend" gossips about you behind your back, or if she talks crap behind your back, or if she doesn't keep your secrets a secret, then she is a user. ...More >>

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